Increase Your Instagram Story Views

Social Media

by Ashley | January 4, 2023

Engagement on Instagram is down, in general. But that doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. 

Stories have been a popular feature on Instagram since they were launched in 2017. Stories are used by 500 million people every day, making them a lucrative opportunity for businesses and individuals. In fact, 58% of users report increased interest in a brand after seeing their story, and stories generate 25% of Instagram’s total ad revenues. This means that businesses have the potential to make significant profits by utilizing Instagram stories as a marketing tool.

To fully utilize this feature and cut through the never ending noise, see our tips below!

  • Add Instagram’s engagement-driving stickers: Use stickers, such as polls or questions, to encourage your audience to interact with your stories. This can help increase the visibility of your stories.
  • End of day story post: Consider adding an extra story at the end of the day, after most people have had a chance to see your other stories. This can help increase the overall views on your stories.
  • Share unique and exclusive content on stories: Share exclusive content on your stories to encourage your followers to watch your stories regularly. This could be behind-the-scenes content, sneak peeks, or special promotions.
  • Use Instagram’s Close Friends feature: Use the Close Friends feature to share content with a select group of people. This can help increase the views on your stories, as people in your Close Friends list are more likely to watch your stories.

By following these tips, you can increase the views on your Instagram stories and reach a wider audience on the platform.