Welcoming Katie Beaudry to Dulcedo Models

November 22, 2023

We are thrilled to introduce our newest addition to the Dulcedo family, Katie Beaudry, who has recently joined our ranks as a Senior Model Agent. Hailing from a small town north of Sudbury, Katie's journey into the world of modeling began at a young age, fueled by her passion for gymnastics and performance. With over a decade of experience in managing fashion models, Katie brings a unique blend of business acumen and creative insight to the industry. Her dedication to developing emerging talent and staying on the cutting edge of industry trends aligns seamlessly with Dulcedo's ethos of innovation and inclusivity. Join us as we delve into Katie's background, experiences, and aspirations in this exclusive Q&A session.

Can you tell us a little about your background and how you became a model agent?

I’m from a small town north of Sudbury, and to keep me out of trouble, my parents had me occupied with lots of extracurricular activities at a young age. As an extremely energetic kid, I found gymnastics most enticing, and I eventually started to compete at a national level. Over the years, that evolved into performing, and ultimately, I found myself doing small commercial work in front of the camera.
But my real interest was the business side, and so it wasn’t long before I had my agent pulling back the curtain and showing me what it actually took to manage talent, versus being it!
Soon after, I moved to Toronto, started at a modeling agency, and worked my way up from entry-level to a leadership role. It’s been an amazing experience shaping the careers of aspiring models and contributing to the dynamic world of fashion & beauty.

How long have you been working in the modeling industry, and what inspired you to pursue this career?

I’ve been managing fashion models for over a decade. I absolutely love the mix of business and creativity, and it’s pretty cool to see talent go from virtually unknown to representing the biggest brands in the world. That is what drives me to really put time into developing new faces and ensuring they have the confidence to pursue their passions, just as much as I do myself.

What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as a model agent, and how have you overcome them?

It’s never easy having to deliver news to someone that they maybe don’t want to hear. Telling a model they didn’t book a job they hoped for never gets easy. But ultimately, I try to find the positive in the process. There’s no reason letdowns can’t be turned into motivation, and I try to encourage anyone I manage to have that same perspective and positive outlook.

How do you identify new talent, and what do you look for in potential models?

Our industry has come a long way, and the playbook for what a model must look like has really evolved. While the criteria used to be very narrow, it’s now individuality that reigns supreme. I’m always looking for qualities that make someone stand out versus blend in. While that can show up as many different things, having an eye for it is kind of what has made me great at spotting stars - so I can’t give away all my secrets!

How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes, and what steps do you take to ensure that your models are always on the cutting edge?

I really pride myself on listening to and understanding my clients. If I can be tuned into their brand values and identity, I can ensure I have talent that reflects that and amplifies it.
That aside, I travel a lot, and there are such incredible trends you can’t help but spot when you’re exposing yourself to new cultures and environments.

What are your thoughts on the modeling industry in Canada? And what are your thoughts on the growth that has taken place over your time in the industry?

The modeling industry in Canada, like many other countries, is influenced by so many factors, but the one I’m most inspired by is the growing emphasis on diversity. We’re seeing an increase in representation which is an important shift that reflects the realities of our country.

What made you decide to join Dulcedo?

It became very obvious to me pretty early on in my interview process that Dulcedo was a disruptor. While many other modeling agencies seem to be stuck in the past, Dulcedo chooses to pursue emerging opportunities to stay modern, relevant, and successful. Whether that be opening new divisions like gaming + influencers or even starting to think about how Generative AI may change the talent landscape, they’re not afraid to try new things and that’s crazy exciting to me. To be able to learn amongst a ton of really passionate and ambitious people is a dream come true.

What are your goals for the future, both for your career as a model agent and for the models you represent?

I would love to keep innovating inside Dulcedo and keep that passion for disruption alive. I think for me that starts with understanding a few new verticals and building my roster of clients and talent. But ultimately, I want to be part of something special, alongside great people - and Dulcedo feels like the perfect place to realize that dream.

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Welcoming Katie Beaudry to Dulcedo Models

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